Taxes Tax services for your Company
You can use our assistance at any time, both on the basis of ad-hoc cooperation in the single case you are interested in, or in the form of permanent, comprehensive, tax services for your Company.
You can use our assistance at any time, both on the basis of ad-hoc cooperation in the single case you are interested in, or in the form of permanent, comprehensive, tax services for your Company.
You can by any method (e.g. instant messenger, telephone, e-mail) send us an enquiry concerning the issue you are interested in. We will analyse it initially and suggest possible actions. The preliminary analysis of the case does not involve any costs on your part, and does not oblige you to enter into a contract with us.
After receiving your enquiry, we will contact you immediately,
and initially discuss the issue you are interested in.

IN THE SPHERE OF TAX SERVICES we primarily provide our Clients with the following services:
- spermanent or ad-hoc tax services for your Company in the scope selected by you
- Tax Advisor – consultations in the form of direct meetings with a Tax Advisor at your Company or in the Law Firm
- comprehensive legal and tax advice on the choice of the optimal legal form of business activity
- contributions in kind, acquisitions, mergers, demergers of companies, establishment and transformation of business entities
- transfer prices – preparing tax documentation concerning transfer prices, the so-called “Local File”, updates of the Client’s documentation, analysis and verification of the documentation possessed by the Client
- reverse charging of VAT – assessments, consultations, training
- VAT, CIT, PIT, inheritance and donation taxes tax on civil-law transactions, excise duty, customs – tax assessments, information and instructions
- preparing individual tax assessments and interpretations, requests for individual tax interpretations from the relevant tax authorities
- regulations of competitions and promotions organised for business partners as part of business activities
- settling cash bonuses
- VAT-recovery service (bad-debt relief)
- tax credits for R&D
- preparing internal instructions concerning VAT and CIT for entrepreneurs
- one-off tax audits, periodic tax and legal audits
- due-diligence audits – comprehensive legal and tax audit with valuation of the company before its acquisition
- applications for VAT reimbursements, including VAT paid abroad
- representation in tax, inspections, and administrative proceedings conducted by the Tax Authority, Tax-Inspection Office, Tax Chamber, Social-Insurance Institution
- representation in litigation with the tax authorities (the Voivodeship Administrative Court (WSA), the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA))
- tax training – PIT, CIT, VAT, Tax ordinance
- withholding tax, beneficial owner
CONSULTATION WITH A TAX ADVISOROr permanent tax services
Due to changing and unclear tax regulations, I have doubts about the correctness of the solutions being applied in my Company. I need a tax advisor’s assessment of my case
I have received a letter from the Tax-Inspection Authority. I need assistance in preparing the response and representation by the tax advisor in a dispute with the Tax Authority.
In the midst of changing tax regulations and their interpretation by the tax authorities, it is easy to get confused, and, what’s worse, to make mistakes without being guilty, or being unaware of them, resulting in potentially serious tax and financial consequences for the Company. The increasing personal liability of persons responsible for accounting and tax matters in every Company is the reason why an increasing number of entrepreneurs, accountants, and financial managers are relying on the constant support of tax advisors.
The advantage of our tax advisors is their long-standing experience on the market and the constant improvement in their own qualifications. In connection with the provision of tax services to a number of entities from various industries, the range of cases dealt with by our tax advisors over the years is very wide. So, if you have doubts about any tax issue, please contact us without obligation, and free of charge, by any means (telephone, e-mail, instant messenger) to find out how we can help you. First, we will jointly determine what we can do for you, we will present you the scope of our actions, and the price, and then you will decide whether our proposal appeals to you and meets your expectations.
If you have received an official letter, e.g. from the Tax Authority or other tax-inspection or public administration offices, with which you do not fully agree (or have other doubts), do not hesitate to contact us! After the date of the receipt of the letter, there might be deadlines, after which the effective preparation and submission of the reply on your behalf will be impossible, or will have negative consequences. Our Tax Advisors will help you to interpret the content of the letter properly, do a comprehensive analysis of your situation, and propose the best possible further actions.